Tuesday, November 06, 2018

From rags to riches

I'm back and no longer homeless. On the contrary, I am now enjoying unprecedented wealth, the likes of which I have never seen before. My lifestyle has taken an abrupt u-turn and I am still acclimating to the change.

Over the course of the next few months I may reveal the story of how this all happened, or I may choose not to do so. Stay tuned.


Memphis MOJO said...

Can't wait and congrats.

Memphis MOJO said...

Did you patent a head lice product that has taken off?

Mr Subliminal said...

No, nothing to do with head lice.

lightning36 said...

Ummm ... you have somehow procured the legendary TBC sockroll and martingaled it into a modest fortune?

lightning36 said...

I will be back in Las Vegas Feb 10-15. Perhaps a session at Aria? btw - I have a new phone that does not have all my old phone numbers, so I no longer have yours.

Lester said...

Time to spill the beans on the dramatic turn in life yet, bruh????

Narciso said...

Where have you been? Check out my blog sometime, would be great to connect.


Memphis MOJO said...

I saw the "War on the poor" and am hoping you're okay.

See this link:


Lester said...

Any chance telling the story now???