Monday, September 30, 2013

I give up

Slept all weekend not wishing to wake up and face the real world, which unfortunately came crumbling down around me on Friday when I failed to pass the Head Lice Removal Technician qualifying exam.

My presentation in front of the examining board was going well as I confidently demonstrated the different species of lice which I held in an open petri dish. An ill-timed sneeze, however, resulted in the accidental infestation of all those within a 5 foot radius of me, thereby prematurely ending any chances of my qualifying.

I'm all out of ideas.


Pete P. Peters said...

I'm impressed with your attitude in general. Despite your constant professional failures, you still continue to try (unlike some other lazy blogger bums we know of).

To use a baseball metaphor, if you keep stepping up to the plate, you will eventually get a hit. Or something like that.

Point is, keep a positive attitude. I'm sure there is a profession out there that you will be successful at.

Best wishes,


angerisagift said...

cook meth . the time is now

Mr Subliminal said...

Thank you, I appreciate the encouragement and suggestions.

Lester said...

Check with the women's prison out in Jean and see if they are taking applications for shower room security monitor? I hear free housing is nearby as well...

Memphis MOJO said...

Maybe you should give hydro-colon therapy another go?

angerisagift said...

bathroom attendant. mayb?can i get u a towel or mint